Work Quantity Calculations

The Quantity field on a Work Order record and the # of Units field on a Work Order Taskrecord indicate how many items were worked on during the course of the Work Order or Task. The Units field on the Work Order Asset record indicates how many units each Asset represents. These values (Quantity, # of Units and Units) help the system calculate how much it cost to work on each Asset.

The user can opt to manually enter a Quantity or allow the system to calculate the value. There are two types of calculations the system can perform:

  • Count - Usually applied when the Work Order involves discrete assets that are considered individual units. Theoretically, the work performed on each asset is the same amount. The result of the calculation is the total number of assets worked on.

    Example:Painting Fire Hydrants - The crew painted five fire hydrants. Quantity = 5

  • Sum - Usually applied when the Work Order involves assets that can vary significantly in size. Assuming that a larger requires more resources to work on than a smaller asset; the amount of work performed will vary depending on the asset. To produce the sum, the system adds the values of the same metric (e.g., length, area, etc.) from each Asset record.

    Example:Cleaning Sewer Pipes - The crew cleaned two sewer pipes, which totaled 500 linear feet of sewer pipe. Quantity = 500

Note: If there are multiple types of Assets on the Work Order, the system performs the sum function only on those Assets that are of the same Category as the Work Order.

The Category of the Work Order determines which calculation method (count or sum) the system uses to determine the Quantity. The system calculates quantities only when the Work Order Category is associated with an Inventory module.

How to configure a Category for a Count calculation

What you see when a Count is used


How to configure a Category for a Sum calculation

What you see when a Sum is used